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Open Design and Manufacturing: OD&M

Project duration: 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2019
Funded by: Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Knowledge Alliances

A Knowledge Alliance between higher education institutions, makers and manufacturers to boost Open Design and Manufacturing in Europe.

Project summary

OD&M's challenge is to embed key approaches, values and principles underpinning the Open Manufacturing paradigm within an Alliance that actively involves higher education institutions (HEIs), manufacturers and makers in the co-creation of knowledge and skills leading to a competitive, sustainable and innovation-led European manufacturing sector.

OD&M aims to empower HEIs to act as pivotal hubs and bridge between ‘traditional manufacturers’ and the knowledge and skills associated to the maker movement.

  • Untitled-1.jpg
    Logo of OD&M
  • ODM-knowledge-chart.jpg
    OD&M knowledge chart

Project team


  • Research to identify knowledge and competences of ‘makers’ as well as teaching and learning methods within maker spaces and fab-labs;
  • Codify the research outcomes into an European Qualification Framework-based profile and design a training course;
  • Design, pilot and assess a structured enabling programme of events and transnational mobilities for staff and students, and empower HEIs’ staff to act as pivotal community builders;
  • Model the OD&M value proposition into a structured and long-term Alliance that offers dedicated trainings, events and mobilities for all the actors involved.
