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UAL Student Committees

Students can share their views and influence the decisions that affect them and future generations of students through the Student Representatives that sit on university and college committees. There are a number of different committees which include student members:

Course and Programme Committees

(Student representation: elected Course Reps)

Each course at the University has a Course or Programme Committee which includes all the Course Reps. The Committee monitors the operation of the course/programme and considers issues related to academic content and course organisation. If you tell your Course Rep about something that is affecting you, positively or negatively, they will raise it on your behalf, and let you know what was discussed. Course and Programme Committees report to School Boards of Studies.

School Boards of Studies

(Student representation: elected School Reps)

School Boards of Studies are concerned with the academic policy of the School/College. They are responsible for identifying academic and organisational issues that require action on a cross-School basis and advising the College Academic Committee about School-related matters. These meetings are for School Reps, who can raise and help to address any issues affecting all the students in the School - twenty per cent of members are students. Feedback comes via the minutes from the meeting. Boards of Studies report to College Academic Committees.

College Academic Committees

(Student representation: two Students' Union Officers)

The College Academic Committee sits at the top of the College committee structure and is responsible for overseeing the quality and standards of all courses in the college. CAC includes two elected Students’ Union officers and reports to Academic Board.

Academic Board

(Student representation: three Students' Union Officers)

Academic Board has ultimate responsibility for the quality of all the University’s academic work. It is the senior forum for academic policy discussion and decision in the University, and is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor. Academic Board has two key sub committees:

  • Learning Teaching and Enhancement Committee - LTEC considers how the quality of the university’s courses, and the student experience can be enhanced and supported. Membership includes two Students’ Union officers.
  • Academic Quality and Standards Committee - AQSC advises Academic Board on the academic standards of the University’s taught courses. Membership includes two Students’ Union officers.

Deans’ Fora

The Students’ Union also oversee a range of meetings between Student Reps and Deans, which deal with academic and non-academic school-level issues. Feedback comes via the Course Rep Annual Report, and your Course Rep can also fill you in about any issues of direct concern to you.